Rata de solu ionare a dosarelor An/luna Nr. dosare solu ionate Nr. dosare intrate Rata solu ionare IANUARIE 688 806 85,35 % FEBRUARIE 761 560 135,89 % MARTIE 899 ...
... Orice abatere de la ... n special a unei fraude, a a cum se face referire la ... Certificare i Plat Autoritatea de Audit Curtea de Conturi a Rom niei ...
ale Republicii Moldova pentru bibliotecile publice Mariana Harjevschi, Formator, BM Agenda Informa ia juridic Bibliotecile publice i colec ia de informa ie ...
Mobilities in EU Grundtvig Partnership Project CORE By Association To My Town Akniste Aim of the Project The project aimed to identify the patriarchal ...
Hoang Thanh (Royal Citadel): The Imperial City is located in the centre of the Citadel where established highest offices of Viet Nam's feudalism and sanctums honoring the cult of decreased Emperors. The Citadel, also has a nearly square form, with more than 600m long for each side, built of brick 4m high, 1m thick, around which is ditched a system of protection trench. Access to the Imperial City can be made by four entrance gates. Noon Gate is only used for the King. Royal Palace consists of more 100 beautiful constructional works divided many sectors. Further in, there are the halls of the mandarins on either end - military mandarins on one side and civil on the other. These halls were where the mandarins dressed in their ceremonial robes for royal functions. One of them had a small museum with elaborately embroidered robes on display.
Ngo Mon Gate, (the main entrance), Thai Hoa Palace (The Throne Palace, or Palace of the Supreme Harmony was the building for great court's meetings) Located in front of the Throne Palace and facing the Flag Tower, Noon Gate is the main entrance to the Imperial City. Noon Gate is a huge construction, U-shaped and consisting of two parts: below is a foundation made of brick, Thanh and Quang stone, above is a pavilion made of wood and roofed with tiles. The longest and widest sides of this 5.2m high foundation are 50m and 27m, respectively. Ascent to the top can be made by two open stone staircases on both sides. There are five entrances, the main one being Noon Gate, paved with Thanh stone, and with red-lacquered doors reserved for the emperor.
One of the largest hardwoods in the eastern United States, the yellow poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) is more commonly known as the tulip tree (not actually related to true poplars, but is rather a member of the magnolia family) At the entrance to Aninoasa, in Hunedoara County, grows a yellow poplar specimen, referred to by locals, as the "Jules Verne's Tree". It had been planted in the castle garden (which no longer exists), built by Baron Maderspach and his wife, Anne Margarette. She was a Botanist and had a flair for aesthetics. She decided to bring the tree from Paris, to the Castle’s Arboretum, a real dendrological park which was cared for at the time, by gardeners brought from far-away Angentina. She had been corresponding by letter, for a long time, with Jules Verne and legend has it that he wrote the "Castle in the Carpathians" inspired by the places and landscapes described by Anne-Margarette in her letters
Title: Slide 1 Author: usr Last modified by: User Created Date: 9/14/2006 6:05:05 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Arial Garamond Times ...
Microscopul Despre viata vazuta indeaproape in contextul zilei de azi Schita proiectului Descriere; Istoric; Parti componente; Functionare; Curiozitati ; Bibliografie ...
The natural elements, valuable historic places and modern lines of communication back the ... At its top you can find Lake Balea, a glaciar lake formes thousands of years ago. ...
viaje de monta a y turismo a rumania la agencia de viajes ramona tourism & travel y la empresa rumtor invertia srl y visitando algunos de los monumentos m s ...
ACTUALIZARI DEX actualiz ri DEX ADOLESCEN A Plictiseala de a fi singur, dorin a de a fi doi, teama de a fi trei. AJUTORUL PENTRU LUMEA A TREIA Ajutor pl tit de ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Nicoleta Last modified by: Nicoleta Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
administratia nationala apele romane a.b.a. arges-vedea sistem de analiza pentru semnalarea situatiilor de restrictii in satisfacerea cerintelor de apa
Title: Fondurile structurale ale Uniunii Europene Author: Peshte Last modified by: Marius BAICAN Created Date: 7/26/2005 2:19:43 PM Document presentation format
Ottawa Vol. 1 Parlamentul Canadei Spectacol de sunet si lumini proiectate pe fatada Parlamentului. Parlamentul este impodobit intampinand Sfanta Sarbatoare de Craciun ...
Tot la Oradea, CentrulUnic de VoluntariatComunitar Oradea a organizat o campanie de promovare a serviciilor de planificarefamilialapentrugrupuriledefavorizate.
“Lumea de mâine nu poate exista fără morală, fără credinţă şi fără memorie. Cinismul şi laşitatea nu trebuie să ne ocupe viaţa”, este unul dintre mesajele pe care Regele Mihai a dorit să îl transmită românilor.
Pogroms, Romanian Holocaust. Shift in policy. History Re-written. Dominant Leader in 20th ... Pogroms, Romanian Holocaust. Issue: unity. Chapter 8: Painted ...
... increased of oil, technical plants and cereals prices. ... field of car makers ... (five times higher than in Russia, and seven times than in India) ...
Professional Biography BA English and Comparative Literature, ... is likely to have a similar impact on the target reader. ... A secret best seller , The ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: Eugen Last modified by: Eugen Created Date: 4/14/2006 1:40:35 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: AZS Other titles
A r mas legend cadoul f cut de Aristoteles Onasis lui Mona ... a desfraului i senzualit ii era prea mult prea vie in mintea discipolilor unei credin e ...
RELIGIA N ANTICHITATE N GRECIA I LA ROMA DIVINIT ILE ZEUS Romanii il numeau JUPPITER. Era divinitatea suprema, stapanul Universului si personifica cerul ...