The English Civil War Roundheads vs. Cavaliers (or you can t tell the players without a program!) On August 22, 1642 King Charles I Declared War on Parliament His ...
The English Civil War Cavaliers vs Roundheads Organization of English Govt. House of Commons Relationship between monarchs and Parliament Parliament s Job: approve ...
A. Cavaliers and Roundheads. Supporters of Charles I ... A. Cavaliers and Roundheads. By 1647, the Roundheads defeated the Cavaliers and Charles I was captured ...
... of Charles I were wealthy nobles known as Cavaliers. A. Cavaliers and Roundheads ... The Roundheads defeated the Cavaliers -Charles I was captured, tried, and ...
British Tradition. Divine Right. Magna Carta 1215. Parliament (13th century) 2 houses ' ... Civil War between crown and 'roundheads' King can't dissolve Parliament ...
English Civil War. Cavaliers vs Roundheads. Execution of Charles I ... English System Georgian. Government Ministers. King. Hereditary. House of Lords. Court ...
Absolute Power? We have learned about monarchies and absolute power, how can their power be limited? England is first to put some restraints on the King in 1215.
Parliament Triumphs in England The Age of Absolutism Chapter 4, Section 3 A Century of Revolution Begins Elizabeth dies (1603) childless, the last of the Tudors.
Oliver Cromwell is the only person to rule England for the last 900 years who was not a King. ... The Cheeseburger Revolution Mary William of Orange Activity #2: ...
... soldiers Charles is forced to Signed Petition of Rights Cannot tax without Parliament s Consent English Civil War English Civil War Cavaliers or Royalists ...
Charles I and Civil War Anna Maria Viinalass 10. B Charles I (1600 1649) King of England, Scotland, Ireland (from 1625 until his execution in 1649) 2-nd son of ...
The English response to Absolutism The House of Lancaster vs The House of York Henry Tudor Defeated Richard III- Battle of Bosworth Field Ruled as Henry VII 1485 ...
The English Civil War & the Glorious Revolution English Civil War (1642-1647) Reasons for the English Civil War In 1603, Elizabeth died. She never married, so there ...
Title: English Civil War Author: Social Studies Dept. Last modified by: image Created Date: 6/7/1995 6:27:34 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Sometimes a king is disliked. Sometimes the people are angry with their king. E. Napp James I ruled England from 1603-1625. Members of Parliament resented James ...
Title: ENGLAND & THE MOVE TO DEMOCRACY Author: Peter J. Kruppenbacher Last modified by: PKRUPPENBACHER Created Date: 7/3/2001 3:14:09 PM Document presentation format
The English Revolution 1642-1689 ... This bloodless takeover became known as the Glorious Revolution. William and Mary are offered the throne by Parliament.
English Society The Early Stuarts Fight with Parliament The Civil War Restoration & Revolution 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400
English Civil War James I Charles I (Interregnum) Cromwell Charles II (Restoration) James II (Glorious Revolution) James I (formerly James VI of Scotland) adopted ...
The English Exception The European World Charles I Fights Parliament 1625: Charles I enthroned always needed money at war with both Spain and France several times ...
ch 21 sec 5: parliament limits the english monarchy tudors to stuarts elizabeth had trouble with parliament not giving her enough funds she left a huge debt 1603 ...
Title: Limited Monarchy In England Author: Kelly A Tsai Last modified by: Fitzgerald, Amy Created Date: 11/18/2006 8:05:03 PM Document presentation format
Title: Slide 1 Author: Instructional Technology Last modified by * Created Date: 1/6/2005 4:08:56 PM Document presentation format: Presentaci n en pantalla (4:3)
VY_32_INOVACE_14-19 British history II Tudor Dynasty Stuart Dynasty Tudors Henry VIII Henry VIII (1509 1547) established The Church of England 1534 had 6 ...
Triumph of Parliament in England The Tudors Ruled from 1485-1603 Henry VIII Elizabeth I Believed in divine right, but recognized the value of good relations w ...
STATE CONSOLIDATION & IMPERIAL EXPANSION A closer look @ France, Russia & England * * * * * * * Rulers used the arts to display power Rulers continued to use religion ...
Parliament Triumphs in England Chapter 4 Section 3 OBJECTIVES Describe the Tudor monarchs relations with Parliament Analyze how clashes between the Stuarts and ...
Europe in 1650. Overview of Politics and Society. Political Map of Europe in 1650 ... General Devastation in central Europe. Treaty of Westphalia: 1648 ...
Queen Anne Hanoverians were unpopular rulers. George I spoke only German, and was very stiff and formal. George II was also very formal, and died on the toilet.
English Constitutional Monarchy Ms. Susan M. Pojer Horace Greeley H. S. Chappaqua, NY The Stuart Monarchy James I [r. 1603-1625] James I s speech to the House of ...
The English Civil War, Restoration and Glorious Revolution James I James I (rule 1603 1625) Stuart dynasty Elizabeth s cousin) Took over for Elizabeth I The ...
Vocabulary Ch 17-18 Absolute monarch Divine right Armada Intendant Balance of Power Dissenter Habeas corpus Limited monarchy Elector Mercenary Depopulation