Title: New Ridge Middle School
1New Ridge Middle School
- Community Information Meeting
- Students, Parents Community Members
- March 24, 2009
- 600pm
- Mallard Creek High School
2 3Agenda
- Welcome and Introductions
- Meeting Overview
- Principals Vision
- School Naming Advisory Committee Process
- Proposed Timeline
- Website
- School Design Updates
- Athletics
- Transportation
- Volunteers/Partnerships
- Committee Breakout Sessions
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
- School Leadership Team (SLT)
- School Naming Advisory Committee
4New Middle School Staff
- Jametta Martin-Tanner - Principal
- Beverly Dawkins - Sr. Administrative Secretary
- Assistant Principal - TBA
- School Phone Number 980-343-1834
5About Me
- Born in South Carolina
- Bachelor of Science - Appalachian State
- Masters Degree - Francis Marion University
- Ed.S Degree - Winthrop University
6About Me
- CMS career began in 1997 when I accepted an
exciting opportunity as the Special Populations
Coordinator for the new Vance High School where I
assisted in a successful opening. I soon became
an Assistant Principal at Vance High School for
the next 5 years. - Seeking new challenges, I accepted an Assistant
Principal position at Alexander Middle School. - Accepted an Assistant Principal of
Instruction role at Hopewell High School in 2005 - Became the Principal of Hawthorne High School in
2006. -
7About Me
- Married to Ace Tanner, who is an executive with
Wachovia/Wells Fargo. Ace is also a former
Davidson basketball player. - Four year old son, Alexander James Tanner
8My Vision
- To build a safe and orderly school environment
that promotes collaboration and high student
academic achievement. - To build a comprehensive instructional program
with high expectations for all students, staff
and parents. - To incorporate and maintain a rigorous learning
environment that motivates students and teachers
while creating new traditions.
9My Vision
- Encourage community and parental involvement
while building relationships within our
10Board Policy FF-RNaming of Schools
- The Principal shall appoint a School Naming
Advisory Committee whose charge will be to
recommend to the Board of Education three favored
school names in the order of preference. -
- This committee will utilize community input in
arriving at their recommendation.
11School Name Advisory Committee
- Students
- Thomas Dore
- Alexander MS
- Gabrielle Morris
- Highland Creek ES
- Lauren Siegel
- Highland Creek ES
- Parents
- Sonje Mareske
- Alexander MS
- Helen Baeza
- Alexander MS
- Lorna Dore
- Alexander MS
- Andreina Morris
- Highland Creek ES
- Debbie Wheaten
- Highland Creek ES
- Debbie Siegel
- Highland Creek ES
- Diana Dunlap
- Mallard Creek ES
- Molly Thompson
- Mallard Creek ES
- Mary Woodyard
- Mallard Creek ES
12School Naming Advisory Committee Additional
Members Selected
13Board Policy FF-RNaming of Schools
- In selecting the name of a school,
consideration shall be given to names that have a
special meaning to students and citizens of the
14Board Policy FFNaming of Schools
- Schools may be named for
- The geographic area or community in
- which the school is located
- A historical figure or location
- A person who is deceased whose name
- has special significance and/or who
- made an outstanding contribution to the
- school system, community, state or
- nation.
15School Naming Advisory Committee Process
- Establish up to five recommended school names
and mascots utilizing school name school mascot
recommendation forms submitted from students,
parents and members of the community.
16School Naming Advisory Committee Process
- Committee will tabulate school name and mascot
ballots and determine the three finalists to be
presented to CMS Board of Education.
17March 24, 2009 Community Information
MeetingMallard Creek High School
18March 25, 2009 School Name/Mascot recommendation
forms distributed to students/families of each
feeder school. Recommendation forms for
community members provided at each school
19March 30, 2009 Deadline for School name/mascot
recommendation forms due by 1100am
20April 2, 2009Ballots with up to five school
names/mascots will be given to families. Ballots
for members of the community will be provided in
the main office of Highland Creek Elementary.
Student voting held at all feeder schools.
21April 14, 2009Deadline for Student completed
School name/mascot ballots due by 1100am at all
feeder schools
22April 16, 2009Final voting opportunity held for
parents and community members
23April 28, 2009CMS Board of Education Meeting
Recommendation of final three
24New School Website
- Communications from the Principal
- Faculty Updates
- Status Reports Construction Updates
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Community Meetings
25School OrganizationsHow you can be involved!
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
- School Leadership Team (SLT)
- School Name Advisory
26- Questions?
- Complete the feedback form
- Answers will be posted on the website