Title: ContactPoint
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- Children Act 2004 Section 12
- Contact Point was formerly known as the
Children's Information Sharing Index
2Presentation Navigation Page
- Start with national and local context and
background (next slide) - Go straight to What is ContactPoint? (jump 7
slides) - Go directly to final slide (contact details for
project manager)
3Background principles to ContactPoint
- Every Child Matters
- highlighted better information sharing as key to
successful early intervention to help children
who require additional support to achieve the 5
outcomes - Victoria Climbié Inquiry
- Recommendation 16 The Government should issue
guidance on the sharing of information between
professional groups in circumstances where there
are concerns about the welfare of children and
families. - Recommendation 17 The Government should actively
explore the benefit to children of setting up and
operating a national children's database
4Wider LA Context and Challenges
5ECM - Hillingdons Islands Bridges - Developing
Trusthealthy - safe - enjoying - achieving -
contributing - economic well being
6ECM - Hillingdons Islands Bridges - Developing
Trusthealthy - safe - enjoying - achieving -
contributing - economic well being
7ECM - Hillingdons Islands Bridges - Developing
Trusthealthy - safe - enjoying - achieving -
contributing - economic well being
8ECM CAF, Lead Professional, Information Sharing
Index and Childrens Trusts
9Change for Children ECMChildrens Trust CAF,
LP, ISi,Workforce development, etc
Developing Change for Children
10What is ContactPoint?1
- Who will be on it?
- All children in England 0-18 inclusive
- What will be on it?
- Identity data
- Statutory ( limited other) service provision
contact details - Cause for concern markers
11Child Record Information Elements
12Summary of data sources
Voluntary sector
Local Authority Systems
Young people receiving additional services
Home Office
All children in England
Universal data sources
Supplementary data sources
We need many sources to get coverage, accuracy
13What is ContactPoint? 2
- Who will use it?
- Authorised, trained, CRB cleared professionals
- How will they use it?
- By seeing some additional information in their
existing case management system (CMS) - Some users may be able to access the index
directly via the internet if they dont use a
compatible CMS - By phoning an authorised user if dont have
internet access
14Common Practitioner processes
15More sample processes
16Implementation High Level Plan
Release 1 January 1st 2008 Initial dataset
released to LB Hillingdon Release 2 Spring 2008
LB Hillingdon adds its own data
source(s) Release 3 Summer 2008 ContactPoint
available to local practitioners (via CMSs
and/or direct over internet)
17Implementation in Hillingdon
- In order to achieve this ambitious programme of
work, responsible heads of service will need to
delegate and authorise a number of subgroups to
use their creativity, commitment and professional
judgement to drive the action plans. - Through reporting and monitoring, service heads
are able to use their responsibility to promote,
enable and manage overall progress.
18Implementation (Structures) in Hillingdon
19Work strands1
- HR
- Job descriptions
- Personnel Policies
- CRB clearances
- Training
- Information governance
- Little re the index as integrated into cmss
- Support
- Technical
- Professional
20Work strands2
- Promotion and participation
- National context
- Children, Young People and Families Have Their
Say.pdf - Local context
- Young peoples reference group
- Data sourcing and matching
- National Sources
- Local Sources
- Matching and merging
- Project management
- Is a part of all work strands and includes
- Reporting and managing issues and risks
- Promoting Stakeholder support
22Impact Roles responsibilities
23Next steps
- Raising awareness with all stakeholder groups
- High priority partners (users or suppliers of
data) asked to register on line (LARA) via Mark
Scanlon - Workforce analysis across all potential users of
the index - people, skills, CRB checks, CMSs, www, etc
- Spreadsheet being circulated
- Steering/Strategy Group (plus project plan,
escalation process, etc) to be endorsed by CFC
board - Ongoing monthly project highlight reports sent to
DfES - Getting HR policies consistent across partner
agencies - Data management
- Budget for establishment of administrative team
- Stakeholder event
24Thank you
- This presentation is on the internet at
www.hillingdongrid.org then choose - Childrens Services gt ISI/CAF gt ContactPoint
- You can contact the author of this presentation
using the following contact details - Mark Scanlon, Project Manager ContactPoint
eCAF - Supporting Change for Children
- London Borough of Hillingdon
- 4East/07, Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge,
UB8 1UW - 01895 25 0027
- mscanlon_at_hillingdon.gov.uk