Title: AMPH
- Development pathways for Mental Health
Professionals Preparation for AMHP Training
2Session Outline
3Setting the context
4ASW (Approved Social Worker)
5AMHP(Approved Mental Health Professional)
6GSCC Guidance
7AMHP - Entry requirements
8AMHP Preparation and Pathway
10Meeting the challenge
11Partner Authorities
12Commissioning Workshop28th April 2008
- Workshop to explore the implications of the
higher specialist award in MH for local
authorities - Participants
- Partner Authorities
- Bournemouth University
- Presentation
- Where are we now?
13Areas of Inquiry
14Areas of Inquiry
15Areas of Inquiry
16Areas of Inquiry
17Joint Working Agreed Actions
18Follow up workshop 3rd October 2008
- Three work streams reported
- Define role / minimum standards for mentors -
Southampton - Working with practice assessors to increase
number of placements / improve standards
-Bournemouth - Common preparation pathway for Social workers and
non-social workers - Hampshire - Further meetings to continue the work agreed
19CPSP Proposal
- The proposal is to provide taught material and
support to course participants. Trainers would
include service users, carers and other external
providers, whilst retaining Bournemouths
assessment framework. - The course would run for 6 days for social
workers with an additional days for non-social
work trained staff
20Current Situation
21Delivering the solution?
22What do the 3 challenges mean?
23Framework for addressing the challenges
24Course content
25Course Content Contd
26Imbalance of power
27Balance of power
28Arnstein (1969) and Pilgrim Rogers (1999) Uses
three distinct conceptions of user involvement as
recipients, subjects of consultation and agents
in control. They suggest that user involvement
within mental health services operates at four
29Service User Experts
- By definition, no one else, no matter how well
trained or qualified, can possibly have had the - These experiences are an important resource that
can help to improve individual packages of care
as well as services generally
Same journey through the mental health system
Same experience of the onset of mental illness
The same initial contact with services
30Tensions in marrying service user involvement and
framework and requirements
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37Reflection in small groups
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