Title: arte' tecnologia' em toda parte'
1arte. tecnologia.em toda parte.
- silvio lemos meira
- www.meira.com
- silvio_at_cesar.org.br
2arte. tecnologia.em toda parte.
artec no mundolá fora
3o estado do mundo
- The world is too big for us. Too much going on.
Too many crimes. Too much violence and
excitement. - Try as you will, you get behind in the race. It's
an incessant strain to keep pace and still you
lose ground. - Science empties discoveries on you so fast that
you stagger beneath them in hopeless
bewilderment. Everything is high pressure. Human
nature cannot endure much more. - Editorial in Atlantic Journal, May 16, 1833
4Technology and Contemporary Life
- http//www.cs.brown.edu/people/rbb/risd/TCL.syllab
us.html - Technology and Contemporary Life
- HPSSS576, Wintersession 2003 -- Thursdays and
Fridays 1-4 p.m. - The Rhode Island School of Design, Providence RI
- 546 College Building -- Roger B. Blumberg
- "Fiat ars -pereat mundus, says Fascism, and, as
Marinetti admits, expects war to supply the
artistic gratification of a sense perception that
has been changed by technology. This is evidently
the consummation of "l'art pour l'art." Mankind,
which in Homer's time was an object of
contemplation for the Olympian gods, now is one
for itself. Its self-alienation has reached such
a degree that it can experience its own
destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first
order. This is the situation of politics which
Fascism is rendering aesthetic. Communism
responds by politicizing art. - Walter Benjamin, 1935
- http//pixels.filmtv.ucla.edu/gallery/web/julian_s
6the futurist manifestofillipo tommaso marinetti,
- 1. We want to sing the love of danger, the habit
of danger and of temerity. - 4. We declare that the world's wonder has been
enriched by a fresh beauty the beauty of speed.
A racing car with its trunk adorned by great
exhaust pipes like snakes with an explosive
breath ... a roaring car that seems to be driving
under shrapnel, is more beautiful than the
Victory of Samothrace. - 10. We want to demolish museums, libraries,
fight against moralism, feminism, and all
opportunistic and utilitarian cowardices. - http//www.english.upenn.edu/jenglish/English104/
7What Engineers Know
- Engineering refers to the practice of organizing
the design, construction and operation of any
artifice which transforms the physical and social
world around us to meet some recognized need - Joseph C. Pitt, Virginia Tech
- http//scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/SPT/v5n3/pitt.
8visible earth sandstorm in chadhttp//www.visibl
10The decay, possibly the collapse, of our
civilization appears to be only a matter of time.
- First, scientific research and science-based
technological innovation is an indispensable
presequisite of modern life and civilization.
There is no alternative. For six or eight billion
people there is no way back to a less
sophisticated life style. - Second, we live better, far better, than people
ever lived before the technological age. However,
we are concerned about the future. We realize
that our present life style cannot be
extrapolated to the next generations. On a global
scale, we accumulate less, probably much less,
technical capital than the non-renewable and
renewable resources that we use up. This economic
strategy is not sustainable. The decay, possibly
the collapse, of our civilization appears to be
only a matter of time. - Hans Mohr, Academy for Technology Assessment,
Stuttgart - http//scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/SPT/v4n4/mohr.
11The TWO cultures AND the SCIENTIFIC revolution
Charles Percy Snow, físico, 1959
- dois grupos literatos e cientistas
- cientistas não acham que literatura (da cultura
tradicional) é relevante - literatos fingem que a ordem natural das coisas
não existe - literatos têm por foco a tragédia e isolamento
humanos cientistas aceitam isso e trabalham para
mudar a condição social do homem - literatos são luditas naturais e tendem a NÃO
entender seu tempo, sua ordem, suas coisas
- "Between Wert and Wissen A Future for the Three
Cultures?" - see this in the light of
- http//space.mit.edu/dd/ECON/two_cultures.html
- Computing on the "rough ground" of the
humanities, here, now, with what we've got, and
the qualities of imagination it takes - http//www.kcl.ac.uk/humanities/cch/wlm/essays/rou
- such information as is capable of transmission
from individual to individual. - Boyd Richerson 1985
14- SIMON PENNY"Consumer Culture and the
Technological Imperative The Artist in
15memes como forma de arte
- meme dawkins, a partir de genes
- unidades replicadoras de conteúdo cultural
- propriedades
- fidelidade cópia deve ser suficientemente
precisa mesmo depois de uma longa cadeia (de
cópias) o replicador é basicamente imutado - fecundidade pelo menos algumas variedades do
replicador devem ser capazes de gerar mais de uma
cópia de si próprios - longevidade replicadores devem sobreviver o
suficiente para afetar sua própria taxa de
16memeplexes ideologias
- tudo é ideologia?
- a internet tem um?
- deveria ter?
Let us go then , you and I , while the ethernet
is spread across the sky . Like a patient
etherised upon a table. T1, ISDN - 56Megabits
per second - the slow yellow vapor of twisted
duplex cable that connect you from I and me and
this. Let's chat a while about Marx - Karl or
Groucho? Send me an e-mail at
homey_at_nowhere.com. Free e-mail available - sign
17memeplexes spam?
18luciano floridi a infosfera
- spazio semantico costituito dalla totalità dei
documenti, degli agenti e delle loro operazioni. - Per documenti si intende ogni genere di dati,
informazioni e conoscenze, codificati e
implementati in qualsiasi formato semiotico,
senza alcun limite di dimensione, tipologia e
struttura sintattica. - Il termine agenti fa riferimento a qualsiasi
sistema in grado di interagire con un documento
in modo autonomo, come ad esempio una persona,
unorganizzazione o un programma software sul
web. - In realtà un agente nellinfosfera è un tipo
speciale di documento, capace di interattività
autonoma (si pensi al proprio profilo individuale
come cliente di una banca). - Infine per operazioni si deve intendere tutto
il genere di azioni, interazioni e trasformazioni
che possono essere compiute da un agente o alle
quali può essere soggetto un documento. - Oggi lattenzione sia concentrata sul mondo delle
reti digitali, ma linfosfera include anche
narrazioni orali, filmati televisivi, testi a
stampa e programmi radiofonici.
19informação na história da humanidade ucb-emc
20ética informacional universal
- information entropy ought not to be caused in the
infosphere - information entropy ought to be prevented in the
infosphere - information entropy ought to be removed from the
infosphere - information ought to be promoted by extending,
improving, enriching and opening the infosphere,
that is by ensuring information quantity,
quality, variety, security, ownership, privacy,
pluralism and access.
21a ética do ciberespaço
- não deve ser antropocêntrica
- trata de realidades materiais e imateriais
- considera a interação da infosfera com a
fisicobiomentalsfera - deve ser aberta e universal, mesmo
- como meio para discutir o novo mundo
- como fim para recriá-lo
- a alternativa é achar que os habitantes do novo
mundo nem alma têm...
22há uma tensão entre a cultura e a tecnologia
qualquer?... NÃO.
- L'opposition dressée entre la culture et la
technique, entre l'homme et la machine, est
fausse et sans fondement elle ne recouvre
qu'ignorance et ressentiment. Elle masque
derrière un humanisme facile une réalité riche en
efforts humains et en forces naturelles, et qui
constitue le monde des objets techniques,
médiateurs entre la nature et l'homme. - Gilbert Simondon
- in Du mode d'existence des objets techniques,
Aubier, 1989 1ère Ed. 1959, p.9