Title: MEIE881
- The Management Information Systems Organization
2MIS Organization
- Define CKO, CTO, CIO, CPO, IT
GovernanceDiscuss the functions typically
performed in the IS organizationDiscuss the
advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of
centralized, decentralized and federal
organizational structuresDiscuss and apply
Weills framework for IT Governance
3Figure 9.1 The CIOs lieutenants
4Figure 9.3 Sample IS organization chart
5What IS Does Not Do
- Does not perform core business functions such as
- Selling
- Manufacturing
- Accounting
- Does not set business strategy.
- General managers must not delegate critical
technology decisions.
6Figure 9.7 Organizational continuum
7Centralization Advantages Disadvantages
- Global standards
- Common data
- One voice with suppliers
- Economies of scale
- Access to large capacity
- Better recruitment of IT personnel
- Technology may not meet local needs
- Lack of business unit control
- Us vs. They
- Slow support for strategic initiatives
8Decentralization Advantages Disadvantages
- Better meet local needs
- Closer partnership between IT and business units
- Greater flexibility
- Better match with decentralized enterprise
structure - Better unit control over overhead costs
- Difficulty in maintaining global standards
consistent data - Higher infrastructure costs
- Loss of control
- Duplication of staff data
- Harder to negotiate preferential supplier
9Figure 9.10 Federal IT
- Structuring approach
- Distributes power, hardware, software, data and
personnel between a central IS group and IS in
business units
11IT Governance Weill (2004)
- Definition specifying the framework for
decision rights and accountabilities to encourage
desirable behavior in the use of IT - Broad-based input rights
- Mostly Federal (followed by IT Duopoly)
- High IT governance performers could describe IT
governance - (but not low IT governance performers)
- IT duopolies for IT principles and investments
12IT Governance Archetypes
13Top Three Overall Governance Performers
14IT Governance CSFs
- Transparency
- Actively designed
- Infrequently redesigned
- Education about IT governance
- Simplicity (few performance goals)
- An exception handling process (for new
opportunities) - Governance designed at multiple organizational
levels - Aligned incentives
15Matching Information Security Decisions and
- Discuss the reasons for outsourcing
- Discuss disadvantages of outsourcing
- Discuss conditions when outsourcing is
appropriate - Define backsourcing and describe the reasons for
backsoucing - Discuss structuring and managing the outsourcing
arrangement - Describe open sourcing and strategies for its use
17Offshore sourcing
- Define offshore sourcing, captive center,
nearshoring - Discuss reasons for and challenges of offshore
sourcing - Describe steps clients take in finding a provider
- Describe steps providers take in acquiring clients
18Sourcing Decisions
Is This Working
Make or Buy
- The purchase of a good or service from another
company - Farm out data center operations (facilities
management) - Farm out tasks and services
- Farm out systems development
- May transfer IS function to vendor
20Saving Provider Advantages
- Tighter overhead cost control
- More aggressive use of low-cost labor pools
- More effective bulk purchases and leasing
arrangements - Better management of excess hardware capacity
- Better control over software licenses
- Hustle (Staying alive)
- Creative and more realistic structuring of leases
- Leaner management structure because of increased
competence and critical mass volumes of work
21Outsourcing Disadvantages
- Reliance on vendor/partner
- Loss of control
- Considerations about security/confidentiality
- Evaporization of cost savings
- Loss of competitive advantage
- Slight of hand with employees
22Outsourcing strategies
23Outsourcing strategies
- Bringing an outsourcing arrangement back in house
- Reasons
- Economic
- Strategic
- Relationship
- Power
25Structuring the Alliance
- Flexible contract ( a lot can happen over 10
years) - Shorten length
- Termination clause
- Detailed performance standards
- Service levels (terminal response times)
- Baseline period measurement
- Growth rates
- Service volume fluctuations
- Resolution of performance disputes
26Structuring the Alliance
- Partial vs. complete outsourcing
- Multiple vendors
- Cost savings
- Multiple evaluations
- Outside consultants
27Structuring the Alliance
- Supplier stability and quality
- Conflict of interests
- Management fit
- Conversion problems
28Managing the Alliance
- Strong CIO function
- Partnership/contract management
- Architecture planning
- Emerging technologies
- Continuous learning
- Service Oriented Architecture
29Managing the Alliance
- Performance measurements continuous
- Low-structured tasks more difficult to outsource
- Low-structured task provide higher margins for
provider - Customer-outsourcer interface
- Specified account manager in provider company
30Offshore sourcing
- Captive center offshore center owned by the
client company - Offshore sourcing (offshoring) sourcing to a
company outside the home country - Nearshoring sourcing service work to a foreign,
lowewr-wage country that is relatively close in
distance or time zone (or both). - Most common offshore sourcing IT activities
- Maintenance
- Testing
- Coding
31Where do Captive Centers Fit?
Is This Working
Make or Buy
32Captive Centers
- Hybrid Captive
- Performs core business processes for parent
company - Outsources noncore work
- Shared Captive
- Performs work for parent company and external
customers - Divested Captive
- Terminated Captive
33Estimates on Market SizesCarmel Tjia, 2006
34Demand for offshore work
- Most aggressive offshore consumers are in US
Within Europe, UK is most active - Most active industries financial services
(banks, investment firms, insurance cos) and
technology firms (software, hardware
telecommunications) - Motivation cost savings, flexibility, accessing
talent, follow-the-sun - 100 nations are now exporting software services
and products - http//www.youtube.com/watch?vLnhTQFHkgmw
35Wages for Software Professionals Carmel Tija
36Extra offshore costs ()Carmel Tija 2005
37Offshore challenges
- Communication breakdown
- Coordination breakdown
- Control breakdown
- Cohesion barriers
- Culture clash
38Offshoring from client Perspective
- Laying the foundation
- Identifying providers
- Assessing and selecting the provider
39Laying the foundation
- Assess your offshoring readiness (project
management maturity, risk assessment,
organizational flexibility, offshore experience) - Set up powerful launch team
- Hire external expert
- Create a strategy and a plan
- Select right project
40Identifying the providers
- Locate providers
- Select country (language, general software
skills, government, travel time) - Develop criteria for provider selection
- Write RFI/RFP
41Assessing and selecting the provider
- Due diligence
- Check references
- Set up local meetings to discuss their abilities
and your criteria - Pay attention to soft elements (i.e., trust,
feeling comfortable - Offshore visit
- Make recommendation and contract negotiations
42Marketing offshore services Provider Perspective
- Fierce competition 4000 companies in low cost
countries - Quality of service cant be judged until after
the service is consumed - Many IT services companies founded by technical
professionals not marketeers
43Characteristics Successful IT Services Exporters
International Trade Center
- A truly international outlook (and desire) for
exporting - A long-term commitment to exporting
- May take 2-3 years to generate business
- Thorough research into new markets and
development of export plans - An international reputation for quality.
44First Steps
- Create realistic business plan
- Types of offshore services required by market
- Assess competitors and their place in market
- Best ways to enter target market
- Seek business intelligence
- Define target markets
- Market size
- Linkages (linguistic, historic, geographic,
diaspora) - Set up local base (sales office representative)
- Conduct SWOT analysis
45Local Marketing Activities
- Generate client leads
- numbers game
- Trade fairs
- Marketing material
- Seminars
- Public relations
46Business Discussions with Clients
- Know client types
- Know offshoring champions in firm
- Start with low-risk projects
- Cultivate long-term relationships
- Know clients cultures
- Build trust
- Create country branding (with trade associations
and government offices)
47Offshoring Issues
- Onshore Outsourcing
- IS Outsourcing Bad for the US?
48Open Sourcing
- The process of building and improving free
software by an Internet community - Release early and often
- Delegate as much as possible
- Archive and manage the versions
- Be as open as possible
49Free Software
- The freedom to run the program for any purpose.
- The freedom to study how the program works, and
adapt it to your needs. Access to the source code
is a precondition for this. - The freedom to distribute copies so that you can
help your neighbor. - The freedom to improve and release your
improvements to the public, so that the whole
community benefits. Access to source code is a
precondition for this GNU Project- Free Software
Foundation, The Free Software Definition,
Downloaded 4/3/02.
50Open Sourcing Issues
- Protection of Intellectual Property
- Updating and maintaining open source code
- Competitive advantage
- Tech support
- Standards