Title: TRD Electronics
1 TRD Status Meeting 27.5.2004
- MCM Test Results
- MCM Tester
- Integration (Norbert Herrmann)
Volker Lindenstruth Chair of Computer Science
Kirchhoff Institute for PhysicsUniversity
Heidelberg, Germany Phone 49 6221 54
4303 Fax 49 6221 54 4345 Email ti_at_kip.uni-heide
lberg.de WWW www.ti.uni-hd.de
2All internally connected to PASA channels except
for 7 and 8
3Internally connected to PASA
4Internally connected to PASA
5Internally connected to PASA
61,20 external (not connected) 7,8 may be bad
bonded (this was known)
- From 20 chips
- 18 were successfully bonded
- 17 are good enough to communicate with them over
the SCSN after glob-topping. The internal digital
tests are OK. - 5 of the 17 have some problem with the ADCs. The
power consumption of the ADC was low (0.5mA)
independent on the state of the ADC - by 2 of them the ADCs work properly only with
external reference voltage - by 1 of them this could help to get the normal
power consumption of the ADCs but not the normal
operation - by the 3 chips above the reference voltage was
found to be very low. - the rest 2 were already sent to Karlsruhe for
soldering as board merger. - Typically the currents are PASA 75-80 mA, ADC
70-75 mA (on) and 5 mA (off). - Maybe today(27.05) a new ROB will be ready with 5
8MCM Tester status board layout started (placing
9MCM Tester status board layout started
(partially placing)
10TRD Integration Schedule
Planning as of last status meeting . . . we
accumulated 1 month delay
Norbert Herrmann
11TRD Integration Status
TRAP2 Readout board on prototype chamber (Ken)
Readout via ACEX card was
exercised initially. Reference
noise measurement with scope/labview installed.
LVDS link between TRAP and ACEX
card broke down. LVDS drivers replaced on
ACEX card LVDS drivers died on TRAP2 chip
No communication any more with selected TRAP
chip ? ground connection between PC and ROB
! No systematic noise measurement on ROB done
yet, ROB grounding scheme (and cooling) are open
issues. If new ROB with 5 MCMs from KA does not
work, try to activate other MCM on current ROB
( M.Gutfleisch) Trigger System
(Ken) Hardware VME-PC (CCT VP110), TTCvi, and
TTCvx available, DCS board with optical
coupler/TTCrx prepared, CORBO module (on Cern
pool waiting list) TTCoc (Fibers) ALICE
specs need to be confirmed. Software TTC
Driver incompatibilities (ATLAS vs. DATE) DCS
board needs programming
Norbert Herrmann