Title: Klinik f r Geburtshilfe, Gyn kologie und Andrologie der Gro - und Kleintiere mit tier rztlicher Ambulanz der Justus-Liebig-Universit t Gie en M Herr, H ...
Title: PowerPoint-Pr sentation Last modified by: Johann W. Goethe Klinikum Document presentation format: Bildschirmpr sentation Other titles: Times New Roman Arial ...
KLINIKUM CO B U R G A Prospective, Randomized Trial of a Paclitaxel coated Balloon vs. uncoated Balloon Angioplasty in Patients with Drug-Eluting Stent Restenosis
Der Studiengang Innovative Pflegepraxis, BA Perspektive der Studenten Simone Rusch Klinikum L denscheid Die Entscheidung Warum wollen Pflegende studieren?
Title: Soziale Angst und Scham bei Anorexia und Bulimia nervosa Author: Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universit t Last modified by: Klinikum der Johann ...
Pharmakologie der HAART im zentralen Nervensystem PD Dr. med. Nils von Hentig HIVCENTER, Medizinische Klinik II Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universit t ...
Behandlung der Schizophrenie Joachim Cordes Klinik und Poliklinik f r Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Heinrich-Heine-Universit t - LVR-Klinikum D sseldorf -
... no previous malignancy other than colorectal cancer, ... literature Resectability according to imaging review improved significantly following treatment ...
A recent report published by The Business Research Company on Animal Medical Tourism Market provides in-depth analysis of segments and sub-segments in the global as well as regional. https://bit.ly/2M7lABe
Morphology, Accuracy, and Histology of Corneal Flap Cuts Using a 200 kHz Femtosecond Laser R. Khoramnia C.P. Lohmann J. Salgado C. Winkler von Mohrenfels
Abciximab in Patients with AMI Undergoing Primary PCI After Clopidogrel Pretreatment BRAVE-3 Trial Bavarian Reperfusion AlternatiVes Evaluation-3 Trial
Title: Einf hrung eines EDV-Systems zur beleglosen Anforderung Author: Bernd Sattler Last modified by: Dr. Jochen Winkler Created Date: 6/18/2001 6:54:12 PM
Anpassung ans Alter als Herausforderung f r Betriebe Altern als wechselseitige Herausforderung an Besch ftigte und Betriebe Netzwerk Betrieb und Rehabilitation e.V.
4-319 Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, family members and civilians brought ... Everyone joined in for a few Chirstmas Carols. Ho Ho Ho! Ho Ho Ho! Ho Ho Ho! ...
The Paclitaxel-Eluting PTCA-Balloon Catheter in Coronary Artery Disease PEPCAD II-ISR Martin Unverdorben Rotenburg/Fulda, Germany and Richmond, VA, USA
Title: PowerPoint-Pr sentation Author: Schule f r Pflegeberufe Last modified by: David H ske Created Date: 1/24/2001 8:30:06 PM Document presentation format
Title: RKD-Forschung Author: Dr. W. W lwer Description: aktualisiert gem. Forschungsbericht 96-00 bitte 2mal drucken Last modified by: kn50029 Created Date
Randomized Trial of Anticoagulation Guided by Remote Rhythm Monitoring In Patients with Implanted Cardioverter-Defibrillator and Resynchronization Devices
Title: Kein Folientitel Author: St. Antonius-Krankenhaus Last modified by: Brigitte Ronig Created Date: 2/2/2005 12:54:31 PM Document presentation format
ISAR-TEST-2 Trial Two-year Clinical and Angiographic Outcomes from a Randomized Trial of Polymer-Free Dual Drug-Eluting Stents versus Polymer-Based Cypher and ...
Title: 1-es t pus diabetes mellitus s kezel se Author: User Last modified by: Rosta Mik s Created Date: 3/15/2005 6:57:38 PM Document presentation format
TSH has poor positive predictive value. in diagnosing hyperthyroid disorders ... TSH. Steady State. Prognosis 3. Overall system (continued): a. D. 3. K. 22. L ...
No survival benefit for chemoradiation, but no maintenance ... CONKO-001 Study Design and Patient Disposition * 7 excluded Patients: 4 pts. withdrew consent ...
Title: Soft-tissue Sarcomas Author: Melanoma/Sarcoma Medical Oncology Description: Demographics, etiology, etc. Last modified by: MD Anderson Cancer Center
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: mzeif Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Bildschirmpr sentation Other titles
Title: Kein Folientitel Author: pc213 Last modified by: Zielmann Created Date: 10/10/2003 10:15:19 AM Document presentation format: Bildschirmpr sentation
Continuous LNG/EE, a Low-dose Continuous-use Oral Contraceptive, Provides Similar Efficacy and Safety to a Monthly Cyclic Oral Contraceptive Alexander Teichmann, MD, PhD1