Jeffersonian America (1800-1816) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jeffersonian America (1800-1816)


Jeffersonian America (1800-1816) Chapter 9 Revolution of 1800 Election of Thomas Jefferson Disagreements about war with France Alien & Sedition Acts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jeffersonian America (1800-1816)

Jeffersonian America (1800-1816)
  • Chapter 9

Revolution of 1800Election of Thomas Jefferson
  1. Disagreements about war with France
  2. Alien Sedition Acts
  3. Increasing debts
  4. Federalists were swept from the presidency
  5. Jefferson became 3rd presidency
  6. Non-violent transfer of power from the
    Federalists to Democratic-Republicans

I. Louisiana Purchase
  1. Contradicted his strict constructionist views.
  2. 1802-Spanish revoked the right of deposit in New
  3. Jefferson negotiates w/Napoleon
  4. French offer Louisiana Territory 15 million.

Louisiana Purchase (contd)
Louisiana Purchase (contd)
  1. Jefferson What aboutstrict constructionism?
  2. If we didnt buy it another country would!
  3. Republican-held Congress quickly approved the

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II. Lewis Clark Expedition
  1. Purchase doubles the U.S.
  2. FR SP removed as threats.
  3. All water route connecting the Missouri River
    with the Pacific Ocean?
  4. Meriwether Lewis William Clark
  5. 1804 St. Louis to the Pacific Ocean
  6. 1806 They return w/ detailed accounts

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III. The Marshall Court
  1. Judiciary Act of 1801- 16 new judgeships were
  2. Midnight judges
  3. Jefferson was angry
  4. Orders Madison, Secretary of State, not to
    deliver the commissions
  5. Midnight Judge William Marbury sued.

Marbury vs. Madison
  1. Chief Justice John Marshall, Jeffersons cousin!
  2. Marshall says Madison should have gave the
    commission to Marbury.
  3. Marshall declared the Judiciary Act of

The Marshall Court (contd)
  1. Creates judicial reviewit could check the powers
    of the leg. and ex. branches.
  2. Jefferson wants to remove all remaining
    Federalists from the judicial branch
  3. Impeaches some judges, but unsuccessful at
    removing them

IV. Jeffersons Challenges
  1. TJ re-elected 1804
  2. 1804?12th Amendment Electoral College will
    specify which vote was being cast for Pres.
    which was for VP.
  3. Aaron Burr
  4. Essex Junto Radical Federalists wanted for a
    New England secession from the Union.

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Jeffersons Challenges (contd)
  • Burr vs. Hamilton duel
  • Burr mortally wounds Hamilton
  • Murder charges dropped
  • 1806 Burr Conspiracy
  • Create a new country--gtget Mex. from Spain, unite
    it with Louisiana Territory.
  • Burr aquitted

V. Troubles Abroad
  1. Barbary Pirates continued to seize U.S. ships
  2. Pres. Wash. Adams had paid a fee
  3. Leader of Tripoli demanded more
  4. Jefferson refused to pay any fees
  5. Tripolitan Wars (1801-1805)
  6. U.S. Navy slowed the pirates down
  7. Gained U.S. credibility overseas

Napoleonic War
  • 6. British French blocked each others ports
  • Orders of Council Closed all ports under French
    control any U.S. ship had to go through Britain,
    or be confiscated
  • 1807 Milan Decree Seize any ship that 1st
    stopped in Britain

Chesapeake Affair
  • 9. 1807 British ship Leopard sank U.S. ship
    Chesapeake killing 4 impressing 4
  • Jefferson used diplomacy
  • Embargo Act 1807
  • Prohibit U.S ships from anchoring at any foreign
  • Plan to ruin Britain and Frances economy?but
    ended up ruing the U.S.!!
  • Repealed the Embargo Act 1809

VI. Madison Plagued by European Affairs
  1. 1808Madison becomes President
  2. Non-Intercourse Act of 1809
  3. Expired 1 yr. from its enactment
  4. Allowed U.S. trade with foreign nations except
    Britain and France
  5. 1810 Macons Bill Number 2
  6. Lift trade restrictions w/ Britain France
  7. Only if they recognize U.S. neutrality!

  • 8. Britain France continued impressment
    seizure of U.S. ships--?pushing the U.S. to the
    brink of war

VII. Mr. Madisons WarThe War of 1812
  • Nationalism heightened
  • War Hawks like Henry Clay John C. Calhoun
  • Eliminate British troubles at sea
  • Eliminate the threat of British armed Indians

Mr. Madisons WarThe War of 1812 (contd)
  1. Battle of Tippecanoe
  2. Prior to War of 1812, Gen. William Henry
    Harrison wanted to break up the Shawnee
  3. Tecumseh and the Prophet
  4. Defeated The Indians moved to conquer Canada

Mr. Madisons WarThe War of 1812 (contd)
  • June 1812, Congress declared war
  • Britain repealed the orders in council
  • Few Americans congressmen in favor of Mr.
    Madisons War
  • Second war of Independence

Mr. Madisons WarThe War of 1812 (contd)
  • 13. Small, disappointing war for the U.S.
  • Unprepared
  • Economy devastated
  • Poorly equipped
  • Under trained
  • Small standing army
  • Mosquito Fleetsmall U.S. navy
  • U.S. invasion of Canada a debacle

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Mr. Madisons WarThe War of 1812 (contd)
  1. August 14, Washington D.C. burned to the ground!
  2. Francis Scott Key-Star Spangled Banner
  3. Gen. Andrew Jacksonled southern troops
  4. Battle of New Orleansimpressive victory for the
  5. The war was already over!!

VIII. Treaty of Ghent
  1. Dec. 24, 1814
  2. Ended fighting
  3. Return of any conquered territories to their
    rightful owner
  4. Settlement of a boundary between the U.S.
    Canada that had been set before the war

  1. Ended in a draw?nobody gained
  2. Allowed for manufacturing
  3. U.S. became more independent from Europe
  4. Start of a U.S. industrial revolution

IX. Ideology Divides the U.S.
  1. Federalists vs. Republicans
  2. New England vs. rest of the nation
  3. Hartford Convention
  4. Discuss
  5. Fed. Gov. to pay for the loss of trade
  6. Amending the Const. for a one-term limit for the

  • 2/3 vote for an embargo declaration of war
    admission of new states end of the 3/5
  • Aimed at Republicans
  • Jacksons victory the signing of the Treaty of
    Ghent drowned them out
  • Federalists were labeled unpatriotic
  • Nail in the coffin for the Federalist party
  • Routed by Rep. James Monroe in the 1816
    Presidential election.

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