PROJE Y NET M Do .Dr.Ayd n Ulucan Bu b l mde, proje y netiminde kullan lan Kritik Yol Metodu (Critical Path Mehod-CPM) ve Proje De erlendirme ve rdeleme ...
Veri Madencili i ile apraz Sat ve Risk Y netimi Churn analyse, Cross selling, Fraud Detection, Risk Management , Customer Segmentation, Targeted ads, Sales ...
LOJ436 Lojistik Y netimi Ders - II Yrd. Do . Dr. A. zg r KARAG LLE Ar . Grv. G ltekin ALTUNTA * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Lojistik, bir i letmenin ...
Web 2.0 ve E-Pazarlama Umut Al Hacettepe niversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Y netimi B l m Web 2.0 Teknolojileri ve Uygulamalar al tay ...
Meditasyon Nedir ve Faydaları Nelerdir? Meditasyon özellikle günümüzde de oldukça sıkça kullanılan, zihni dinlendirme, stres yönetimi ve bilinçli düşünebilme tekniği olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. İnsan bedenine ve ruhuna önemli ölçüde büyük faydalar sağlayan bu teknik sayesinde, ruhunuz dinlenir ve çakralarınız açılır. Kendi iç dünyanıza yönelerek, normal hayat akışı sırasında fark edemediğiniz, gözden kaçırdığınız birçok önemli detayı yakalamanıza olanak sağlar. Kaynak :
Logo Go 3 is a prominent firm in İstanbul that provides a comprehensive variety of software system. For many years, they have been assisting people with their ERP Software requirements and have developed an excellent reputation for providing honest, hard-working service. They can provide a service that is both professional and includes expert guidance for your project after completing theoretical and practical training in the software trade
Logo Go 3 is a prominent firm in İstanbul that provides a comprehensive variety of software system. For many years, they have been assisting people with their ERP Software requirements and have developed an excellent reputation for providing honest, hard-working service. They can provide a service that is both professional and includes expert guidance for your project after completing theoretical and practical training in the software trade
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Ismail TOSUN Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Microsoft-PC Document presentation format: zel Other titles: Times New Roman Arial Calibri Constantia Wingdings 2 ...
Title: Coca Cola I ecek A.S. Author: pmarti11 Last modified by: ohasdemir Created Date: 11/4/2005 7:50:48 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show