Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Yi it Kurt Last modified by: Yi it Kurt Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3)
Title: AFETLERLE BA A IKMA: NSAN, TOPLUM ve KATILIM Author: Nuray Karanci Last modified by: Ayse Karanc Created Date: 8/28/2002 4:18:51 PM Document ...
G R . Uterinfibroidi bulunan semptomatik hastalarda uterin arter embolizasyonu (UAE) cerrahiye alternatif bir tedavi y ntemidir1-4. 1998-2003, 50 hasta, 11 ...
Title: jk Author: Xp Last modified by: H seyin Created Date: 12/5/2005 3:53:41 PM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3) Company: a Other titles
Hipotalamus-Hipofiz-Gonad Aks Hipotalamus Hipofiz Testis Testis FSH LH GnRH Leydig Hc Sertoli hc Germ hc T nhibin B T + E Noradrenalin N ropeptid Y Glutamat ...
PROSTAT KANSER NDE HORMON TEDAV S Dr Ferruh Zorlu Definitif tedavi sonras riskli hastalarda Biculamid 150 mg met hast progresyonu azalt r MAB vs Or iektomi ...
Title: No Slide Title Author: Pat Gengaro Last modified by: Fatih Gulsen Created Date: 3/9/2000 8:14:30 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Dr. Ayfer Kuzulugil Do . Dr. Tu rul Cab o lu Aurik loterapi ve Psikolojik Durum De i mesi Aurik loterapi uygulamas Anksiyete, depresyon, panik atak gibi ...
Hair Transplantation We have 18 years of experience, high-level expert team and modern technology in our hair transplantation center. We offer hair transplantation services to guests from all around the world.
Title: Slayt 1 Last modified by: G LAY Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3) Other titles: Arial Calibri Comic Sans MS Times New Roman Wingdings ...
ARTROPLAST REHAB L TASYONU RTM Artroplasti, herhangi bir eklemde a r y dindirmek, stabilizasyonu ve hareket geni li ini sa lamak amac yla eklemin yeniden ...
D YABET K AYAK Do . Dr. Ahu Birol Memorial Hastanesi Dermatoloji Klini i Sa l k Sunumlar : http://hastaneciyiz.blogspot.com D YABET K AYAK- 1 D YABET K ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: user Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3) Other titles
Title: Slayt 1 Author: Murat Last modified by: P nar Created Date: 12/20/2005 2:53:07 PM Document presentation format: Ekran G sterisi (4:3) Other titles
Morbid Obez Hastada Anestezi Dr. Ziya SAL HO LU Obezite Tan mlar Sistemlerle ili kisi Anestezi Uygulamas Obezite tan m / oranlar Obezite deal a rl ktan ...
Omuz A r s Ayr c Tan ve Rehabilitasyonu Dr. Ramazan YILMAZ Prof. Dr. Hatice U URLU Faz 3 ve 4 EHA egzersizleri Kendi kendine germe Her y ne agresif germe ...
American Heart Association (AHA) Europen Resuscitation Council (ERC) Heart and Stroke Fondation of Canada (HSFC) ... CPR ( 30:2, 5 D ng , 2 dakika), ...
... geli me gerili i Sendromik predispozisyon Hemihipertrofi Deny-Drash sendromu Aniridi Genito riner anomali WAGR sendromu B brek t m rlerinde ek bir sorun ...